Second release in River Gara Water Vole Reintroduction Project

133 water voles released at two new sites on the River Gara.

See River Gara page.

Hedgehog Highways

New hedgehog-friendly gardens project launching soon!

Read all about it on the  Hedgehog Highways page.

Gardening for Wildlife

Almost 10,000 copies distributed,

Latest parish to adopt the booklet is Redington Frognall in London!

Full report on Gardening for Wildlife page.

White Spot Moth

To encourage the rare White Spot Moth 400 Nottingham Catchfly plugs were planted.

Full report  o White Spot Moth Conservation Project page.

Update on Miyawaki Forest test.

Saplings have a tough start.

See the Capton Miyawaki Forest page.